Wai 262 Tiaki Taonga

Maiea te tipua
Maiea te tawhito
Maiea te kāhui o ngā ariki
Maiea tāwhiwhi ki ngā atua

Tēnei te mihi kerekere, te mihi wanawana ki a koutou aku rau amokura, koutou katoa i tae ā tinana mai, koutou i tuku aroha mai mā pukamata, te aha rānei, tēnei te whakamānawa, tēnei te whakamiha.

The Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau acknowledges the many rangatira & kaitiaki who took the time to attend Te Whakarewatanga o Tiaki Taonga ki Kohewhata and share whakaaro on Tiaki Taonga.

Tiaki Taonga 

On 1 July at Kohewhata Marae, Wai 262 launched Tiaki Taonga - a movement to bring understanding and a weaving of the many voices of te iwi Māori to the kaupapa of taonga and māturanga protection. 

In time Tiaki Taonga will also become the legislative framework, which was sought through the Wai 262 claim three decades ago.

He Taura Whakapapa
He taura whakapapa nō ngā tūpuna 

Ko tēnā mea te taura, he taonga tuku iho. Ki te tirotiro tonu, mātauranga kei roto. Nō hea rānei te whakaaro kia whiria, kia rārangahia ngā whenu hei taura. Kei ia whenu tōna momo me tōna kaha, ki te taura. Mā te maha o ngā whenu ka whai kaha te taura. Koinā te āhuatanga o te taonga Māori; āna ko te whakaaro, mātauranga rānei i ngā tūpuna o nehe rā. 

Nā reira e whiri tonu, e mahi rāranga tonu tātou kia puta he taura kia mau ai tātou i te rā nei. Mā te taura anō e hono tētahi ki tētahi i runga i te wawata kotahi. Ka mutu nā te taurawhiri ka ora te tangata. Nā reira, he tohu pai te taura, ki te rāranga kaupapa. Kia kawea hoki ngā purapura o ngā Wai 262 kaikereme. 

Nā reira, e mea ana mātou kia whiri mai te iwi whānui ki tēnei taura here kia kaha ake ngā pou tikanga me ngā pou arataki. Kia whakawhirinaki tātou e te iwi ki tēnei muka tangata, hei whānau Māori, me he iwi motuhake. Wai ka toa? Wai ka tohu? Ko te aroha pūmau tonu. 
Upcoming Wai 262 Tiaki Taonga Kaupapa  

23rd September: Te Tau Ihu - Tides Conference Centre, Whakatū

Te Whare Pūkōrero 

Te Whare Pūkōrero holds space for the representative voices and views of the different Puna Mātauranga to be seen and heard; different parts of which will give shape and body to a Wai 262 Tiaki Taonga, which Kanohi Ora want and agree with.

While there were many strands of whakaaro shared on the Wai 262 remedy, there was shared agreement that it will require a suite of different solutions that are woven together to create te tino rangatiratanga mō ngā taonga katoa. 

Tiaki Taonga Framework Development
The Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau have developed a draft Taonga Framework, Tiaki Taonga, to focus on:
  • The prevention of misuse and misappropriation of taonga Māori;
  • The development of ethics and guidelines to facilitate and encourage the appropriate use of, and benefit from, taonga Māori; and
  • A cost effective, properly resourced, and workable monitoring, audit, enforcement and sanction regime.
Kahu Aronui have been asked by Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau to bring together principles, themes, and options to encourage debate and feedback on solutions to Wai 262 recognising:
  • Interim and urgent solutions are proposed
It is recognised that a long term set of structural solutions is needed. But in the interim, urgent action is needed to bring about change in attitudes to the use of taonga and mātauranga. It is proposed that legislation and policy relating to taonga and/or mātauranga include the following:

“That any activity undertaken or proposed to be undertaken that uses taonga Māori and/or mātauranga Māori must apply the principles and values of Tiaki Taonga.”
  • Long term structural change is the goal
Tiaki Taonga is interpreted as a stand alone sui generis framework which is activated in every instance where there is activity relating to taonga Māori and mātauranga Māori. The preferred model is for the framework to be implemented by way of legislation, which is then supported by a network of solutions including Codes of Conduct, Contractual Provisions, Research Guidelines, and Educational Material. Tiaki Taonga has identified principles and values which can be applied to the relevant activity.
Read More
International policy & legal context

Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau continues to monitor the international policy and legal context as this relates to the Tiaki Taonga framework. This has been a major aspect of the Wai 262 claim from the inception. The Taumata is developing its strategy relating to international instruments, so that it can exercise meaningful influence while ensuring that other Māori advocacy rōpū who have existing relationships in the international forum can be supported.

Whiria te muka, tuia te muka, herea te muka

He muka tangata e,

He muka tangata e.

Kohewhata, 2023
"Kua kī katoa tō tātau nei whare, it's full of our people who want to learn and e pono ana, who actually believe our mātauranga belongs to us."
A Kaitiaki of maramataka. Everyday she uses and shares ways and wisdom living with and observing changes in the taiao. An inspirer, activist and business leader. Heeni Hoterene shared her expertise and invaluable mātauranga on Matariki, whakapapa, the vital mahi of Wai 262 and how a tohorā got her pregnant. ☀️ 🌊 🌱 🐋

One News came along to kōrero with the Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau representatives at Manurewa Marae. See link for full interview.  


Whai ake ngā mihi maioha ki ngā hunga i tatū mai ki runga te marae o Kohewhata, i hui ai ki roto i te poho o tōna whare, ā ko Puhimoanariki tērā.  I whai i ngā tapuwae o ngā mātua tūpuna, hei kawe i ngā ōhākī o rātou mā.  Kia tiaki ngā taonga, ngā kōrero tuku iho,  otirā ngā mātauranga o nehe.

Tupu kerekere
Tupu wanawana
Ka heke, ka heke

Ngā manaakitanga

Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau

Join the movement - Register your tautoko to Wai 262 here: https://www.tiakitaonga.com/whakahono-mai 

Register for the next hui 23 September 2023:  https://forms.gle/MJ8zEkSXjkXGrYXq5

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