Wai 262: Te Taumata Whakapūmau Update

Te Taumata Whakapūmau Update

E ngā rangatira, tēnā koutou.
Ngā mihi o te wā. This is the link where the KMO continue to hold fortnightly zoom hui to cover Wai262 written updates and to answer any pātai, for anyone across the Taumata available to join: 

Meeting ID: 876 5621 0149
Passcode: Wai262


Tohu 1: Te Mana
Supporting and strengthening the ability of claimant whānau & iwi as a lead voice of Wai 262.

A well-informed group of claimant whānau & iwi is vital to Kanohi Ora engagement

Claimant whānau initiated the process of Kanohi Ora engagement and remains at its spearhead through the role of Te Taumata Whakapūmau, along with support from their iwi. This aspect is essential to realising the purpose and aspirations of the original claims.

Claimant Whaanau-led initiatives / Iwi Coord Funds: Hui have been held to ensure Iwi coordination fund agreements are in place for the initial funding to 30 June 2023, as agreed at the last Taumata Whakapūmau Meeting. This is for the purposes below:
- Coordination of rohe-led hui
- Tuku Projects scoping
- Participation in the collective Te Taumata Whakapūmau kaupapa
- Involvement of Tohunga, Rangatahi and Kaumatua. 

Agreements that have been signed: Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Koata, Ngāti Kurī

Agreements still to be finalised: Ngāti Wai, Te Rarawa, Ngāti Pourou

Reporting back on initiatives: A report is noted for Te Taumata Whakapumau Hui to be held 7 March 3pm, from each claimant whanau group.

Tohu 2: Te Kōrero
Hosting conversations among Kanohi Ora, connecting legacy holders & others

Raising awareness to develop the way forward

Counterparts from across the Rangātiratanga sphere of influence, who connect with the aspirations of the legacy holders, are woven into the process through Kanohi Ora engagement; allowing the kaupapa to evolve in-step with contemporary developments and thinking.

Wai 262 ki Ratana, Iwi Chairs Waitangi:

Kanohi Ora engagement has taken place at Ratana, Iwi Chairs and Waitangi.

•Engagements have led to hui requests such as Te Tumu Paeroa, Manaaki Whenua, Te Aka Whai Ora, Environmental Protection Authority.
•Since Waitangi there has been a strong interest in the Therapeutic Products Bill as to how Te Taumata Whakapumau intends to address this. There was a motion at Waitangi that the bill in its current form be disputed and that Wai 262 address this issue.
•There have been a number of conversations that want to understand the mechanisms and balance of a regulator and the role of Iwi and Hapu
•A full report on engagement will be provided to the Taumata Hui on 7 March.


Wai 262 Key Messages

Wai 262 at Te Matatini

●Starting at Rātana, Waitangi and now moving on to Te Matatini, Wai 262 is supporting kaupapa Māori and implementing Kanohi Ora engagements to listen to the voices of whānau, hapū and iwi in this space significant i ngā mahi a Tānerore, a Hine-terēhia.
●Kapa haka has played an enduring legacy in the lives of Māori by sharing taonga tuku iho through waiata and haka. This is one of the key focuses for protection through the Kanohi Ora framework. 
●Te Matatini is a national kaupapa that was established 50 years ago and has grown to the largest Māori performing arts festival in the world. Where else than here to initiate kōrero on the protection of taonga tuku iho, especially with those who practise it through waiata and haka.
●Kapa haka is a taonga and an integral transmission of mātauranga Māori. It is critical to ensure kapa haka and mātauranga Māori is protected through the development of Wai 262 solutions.
●Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau, tohunga and rangatahi representatives will be present across the many Te Matatini events and forums to wānanga on appropriate solutions on the protection of taonga Māori.


Waiata and its hononga to Wai 262

●Evidence in the claim speaks of the importance and sacredness of waiata that were passed on at meetings of the whare wananga. These practices are what are in need of protection which we can help support through Wai 262 and the Kanohi Ora engagement.
●E ai ki a Witi McMath “The waiata was binding spiritually, physically and culturally. Ko te mana wairua, ka tukuna i te mana wairua – the taking of the mana wairua and bringing it back to normal sense.”
●This evidence also speaks to the enduring sacredness of waiata which through kapa haka can be kept and practised. With the 50 year celebration of Te Matatini it is obvious how important waiata is to Māori in binding us to our whakapapa and kōrero tuku iho.  

Rongoā / Therapeutic Products Bill and Māori positions

●In the original Wai 262 claim, rongoā was specifically mentioned as one of the eight taonga amongst other mātauranga.
●Te Taumata Whakapūmau firmly believe our Atua Māori should not be in a bill, and that rongoā does not belong in the Therapeutics Products Bill.
●While we want to hold space for protections to be put in place, the way to move forward appropriately is that the voices of Māori, particularly tohunga and rongoā practitioners  are heard with regard to rongoā protections to determine the best protection mechanisms to adopt. It is through Kanohi Ora engagement this will become clear.
●The choice to regulate or commercialise rongoā is for Māori to determine.
●The Intellectual Property Rights system (IPR) is limited to the protection of economic and commercial rights. It was not designed to protect the cultural values and identity associated with mātauranga Maori.
●Policies cannot box rongoā into a product or commodity that is traded, as it is not based in economic and commercial interests. Māori are prepared and willing to engage, and are already engaging across a broad spectrum of activities and with a broad number of institutions including the Crown, CRIs, academic institutions, the private sector and internationally. And will continue to do so into the future.

Wai 262

●     Wai 262 is the activation of the urgent need to protect, preserve, and promote the appropriate use of Taonga and Mātauranga Māori. The existing legal, regulatory, ethical and socio-economic framework does not meet that need in a manner that affirms te tino rangatiratanga.

●     Kahu Aronui has been established to provide expert technical advice to the Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau to provide a matrix of proposed solutions to meet that need.

●     The proposed solutions will embody the principle that Māori have the full and exclusive decision-making authority to Taonga Māori, as guaranteed by Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Sui Generis Paper to Government

●      As part of its mahi, Te Taumata Whakapūmau will provide a paper Sui Generis legislation to protect Taonga Māori and Mātauranga Māori, which will consider:

●     The prevention of misuse and misappropriation of Taonga Māori;

●     The development of ethics and guidelines to facilitate and encourage the appropriate use of, and benefit from, Taonga Māori;

●     A cost effective, properly resourced, and workable monitoring, audit, enforcement and sanction regime.

●     This framework is for the protection of Taonga Māori, including traditional cultural expressions (TCEs), Genetic and Biological properties, and associated mātauranga.

●     We have Kahu Aronui providing expert advice and content for the Kanohi Ora engagement programme with Māori kaitiaki.

○     Conduct research including survey of practitioners to produce a report to inform and support a sui generis framework and legislation.

●     The drafting of the legislation is to give effect to the sui generis framework for the protection of Taonga Māori.


 Change in Government

●     Wai 262 has been in progress for more than 30 years. It is a kaupapa for the people, regionally and nationally. We acknowledge the efforts made by the current Government in support of Wai 262 and we will continue engagements regardless of who is in the positions of leadership in our Government.

●     Wai 262 is a benefit to all, for Māori and all those who call Aotearoa home. We look forward to working with whoever forms a Government later this year as we build on the mahi achieved over the past few years for the betterment of the country.


Kanohi Ora

●     Wai 262 will present the Kanohi Ora engagement process to those in attendance at Te Matatini.

●     This process enables whānau, hapū and iwi outside the original claimant whānau to support Wai 262 initiatives in the protection of their taonga Māori.

●     Kanohi Ora is an ethical framework for resolution that involves a strategy for whānau, hapū and iwi, followed by a process of engagement between Māori and the Crown to develop mātauranga and taonga protection mechanisms.

●     Kanohi Ora engagement is a critical part of the claim, to ensure all Māori have the opportunity to contribute to a national Māori voice for the protection of their own Taonga.

Upcoming Hui requests 
Tohu 3: Te Tikanga
Developing a mechanism at the interface with the Crown to preserve, protect and promote taonga & mātauranga Māori

Extending our influence as kaitiaki into the Kāwanatanga sphere of influence

“Māori control of Māori things”, as the catch cry of Wai 262, requires us to reimagine public institutions and civil society for Aotearoa as sites of power where the integrity of taonga and mātauranga Māori is not compromised; we want to develop and endorse a Tikanga Framework for this purpose.

Reporting : The Secretariat / KMO have been working with TPK to meet the funding and reporting framework. As per the agreement this is quarterly. Regular contact has been maintained to ensure we meet requirements around media and comms regarding notice. 

Kahu Aronui work programme update: Kahu Aronui have continued to meet regularly online and held a waananga for some members in Wellington on 9 February. An updated Kahu Aronui work programme will be provided to the Taumata to consider. This will include Policy statements in response to items for DoC workstreams and Rongoā, Sui Generis work as well as required responsive workstreams including any meetings to be scheduled with the Minister of Conservation, along with other relevant ministers including MFAT, TPK, MCH and Te Arawhiti.

As noted in the Kanohi Ora update there are a number of Government agencies that are wanting to engage on Wai 262 proposed solutions across Te Aka Whai Ora,  Environmental Protection Authority, MBIE and CRIs ie Agresearch. 

Tohu 4: Te Whakawhitiwhiti
Supporting the emergence of a national Māori voice to speak with the Crown on ngā kaupapa o Wai 262

Ngā mahi kua ea

Bringing the fruits of Kanohi Ora engagement into the relational space with the Crown, where substantive and procedural outcomes of Wai 262 will ultimately be negotiated, Rangātira ki te Kāwana, based on a tikanga framework that recognises and affirms the rights and obligations of kaitiaki at an individual, whānau and hapū/iwi basis.
As reported to Te Taumata Whakapumau at the Hui held on 8 November, an outline for the programme to 2024 is being prepared by Kahu Aronui for inclusion in a Cabinet Circular to ensure an entrenched opportunity to continue a  programme of work.


Key Dates

22-26 Feb 2023  Wai 262 presence at Te Matatini

7 March 2023   Te Taumata Whakapūmau Hui (online)

8-11 March 2023  Next Gen Kaitiaki (Rotorua)

March-May 2023  Waka-wide engagements

4-5 May 2023  National Iwi Chairs Forum (Te Arawa)

June 2023  Taumata Whakapūmau Hui  

3-4 August 2023  National Iwi Chairs Forum (Waikato-Tainui)

17-21 August 2023  Koroneihana

2-3 Nov 2023  National Iwi Chairs Forum (TBC)

Ratana, January 2023
Ratana, January 2023
View Wai 262 Booklet
M: 021 033 4724 | E: [email protected] | W: www.wai262.nz

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