Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau Update

Te Taumata Whakapūmau Update

E ngā rangatira, tēnā koutou.
Ngā mihi o te wā. This is the link where the KMO continue to hold fortnightly zoom hui on Mondays to cover Wai262 operational updates and to answer any pātai, for anyone across the Taumata available to join: 

Meeting ID: 876 5621 0149
Passcode: Wai262



Tohu 1: Te Mana
Supporting and strengthening the ability of claimant whānau & iwi as a lead voice of Wai 262.

A well-informed group of claimant whānau & iwi is vital to Kanohi Ora engagement

Claimant whānau initiated the process of Kanohi Ora engagement and remains at its spearhead through the role of Te Taumata Whakapūmau, along with support from their iwi. This aspect is essential to realising the purpose and aspirations of the original claims.

Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau Hui - June:

E ngā rangatira, tēnā rā koutou

Please note a Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau Hui has been scheduled for

An agenda is currently being prepared and will be circulated. This will include a FY23-24 Budget for review by the Taumata, along with a work programme that outworks the strategy of the Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau in line with the pou provided across 2021-2022.

Emerging Priorities 

The following have been identified as emerging priorities and will be discussed at the Taumata Whakapūmau Hui. 

Ko te mana motuhake me te tino rangatiratanga o ngā taonga Māori me te mātauranga Māori.


Work programme Item
Wai 262
“Tiaki Taonga”
  • Having developed key values and principles for a Tiaki Taonga framework, technicians and practitioners are being engaged to provide expert advice on the application of the framework to case studies involving taonga and including mātauranga.
  • It is essential to enhance the collaboration between the Kahu Aronui work program and Kanohi Ora requirements, to capture and be responsive to whānau, hapū, and iwi perspectives.
  • Nga Pūkorero for a Tiaki Taonga framework that prevents the misuse of taonga is a data/insight and analysis tool across all Kanohi Ora engagement to capture:
    • What do the kaitiaki voices say about an ideal Taonga framework; and
    • How will current practitioners of mātauranga Māori and kaitiaki of taonga tuku iho ensure those views are woven into the solutions framework.
Specific Case Studies
“Pātaka Taonga”
  • The manuka taonga is an example of an opportunity lost.  What are the lessons and reflections in hindsight from that example?
  • Using the kawakawa taonga as a pilot project, how can the principles of the Tiaki Taonga framework uphold the mana of kaitiaki? 
  • Applying the Tiaki Taonga principles to enhance hapū and iwi decision making authority in Kauri Ora.  
Specific Case Studies
“Pātaka Rangahau”
  • Honouring the legacy of Moana Jackson by establishing a Māori Research Institute, Pātaka Rangahau, promoting the diverse range of kaupapa Māori research, ensuring mātauranga is protected and appropriately applied, connecting Māori researchers. 
Specific Case Studies
“Oceans and Islands”
  • Applying the Tiaki Taonga framework to the review of oceans policy, offshore island management, the “blue economy”, taonga protection. 
Progressing whānau, hapū and iwi aspirations
  • Honouring the legacy of claimant whānau by establishing and scaling Tuku projects, promoting a mosaic of Wai 262 solutions at a whānau, hapū and iwi level.
  • Promoting government investments aligned with the Tiaki Taonga framework principles, supporting iwi Māori projects that yield economic, environmental, and cultural benefits, while preventing the misuse of taonga. (as prototyped by the Whakaaro Kia Whai Hua fund)
Progressing the Māori-Crown relationship
Holding the Crown to account for its Treaty obligations
  • Understanding and evaluating the Crown’s Te Pae  Tawhiti work programme and its influence on kāwanatanga. 
  • Monitoring and responding to government activities (eg DOC, Wildlife Act reforms, Therapeutics, manuka, bioprospecting, MFAT etc)
  • Ministerial Oversight Group (MOG) was raised as part of the work programme initially through Te Pae Tawhiti to ensure appropriate influence for an all-of-Government response.




Whakaaro Kia Whai Hua Fund Update


Investment objectives


  • The first six successful applications were advised on 9 May and were provided with funding agreements on 16 May. At this time, 4 of the 6 have signed funding agreements in place. We are working on the two remaining and these should be completed by next week.  We have yet to hear back from one kaitono and we have been following up.
  • We are currently preparing funding agreements for three further successful applications; we expect to send these three funding agreements this week.  This means there were nine successful applications as part of the first phase of funding.
  • One application that resubmitted and was reassessed by the assessors, and will not be progressing for funding.
  • No further resubmissions from this round of 18 applications have been received.

Collaborating with Te Pae Tawhiti (TPK), the Whakaaro Kia Whai Hua fund has successfully tested resourcing Wai 262 initiatives, resulting in more opportunities for Wai 262 and demonstrating the benefits of investments.  Despite time constraints, political cycles, and funding clawbacks across government, the assessors and supporting project team (including the KMO) have productively managed the stress on the investment process.


Summary of successful initiatives

11 successful initiatives have been identified, with the detail of the of the investments remaining confidential at this point.  Below is a summary of the types of investments that have been granted:
  • Investing in preparing the next generation of parents on taonga Māori kai system and reconnecting them with mātauranga kai for inter-generational change.
  • Building on existing relationships with Te Waka Kai Ora, rongoā practitioners, creatives in music, writing, tā moko, and whakairo, and kaihautu for Māori data sovereignty and governance.
  • Raising awareness of free trade agreements in Wai-262 related sectors and developing strategies for effective protection and increased benefits from mātauranga Māori.
  • Restoring the mauri and Mātauranga Māori through Toheroa regeneration and abundance.
  • Seeking funding for marae and two Māori land blocks for climate problem solutions and mātauranga determination.
  • Elevating evidence to the Wai 262 claim regarding free trade, GMOs, and active protection of mātauranga Māori.
  • Showcasing the importance of cultural sovereignty within a digital context and digital tools for cultural protection.
  • Amplifying the voices of 100 Māori creatives to provide visibility to the issues they experience in protecting their creative works.
  • Developing a pan-iwi collaborative research project for traditional fire practice and embedding it into everyday practice in the Taiao.
  • Delivering a policy discussion document on alternative regulatory pathways for natural health products and therapeutic products derived from taonga species.
  • Creating an online content management and repository system for environmental information to support adaptive management by Indigenous communities.

Summary of unsuccessful initiatives

Initiatives that do not work directly with whānau, hapū, and iwi have not been prioritised in the decision-making process. Below is a summary of the rationale provided to unsuccessful initiatives:
  • The application doesn't clearly demonstrate how it will achieve the outcome of "learning through practice and from practitioners" as required by the fund, especially with $250,000 allocated for governance alone.
  • The application doesn't clearly outline how it will invest in key opportunities for the active protection and appropriate use of Taonga Māori, particularly in relation to mātauranga Māori and its benefits.
  • The initiative doesn't meet the criterion of being a "Māori-led and localised" project and needs to strengthen its connection to the local community and demonstrate how the use of Taonga Māori can bring system shifts that benefit iwi Māori.


This investment initiative serves as a great example of how iwi Māori-driven initiatives underpinned by the principles of Wai 262, supported by rigorous and kaupapa Māori research and expert practitioners, can help create positive change and lasting benefits for iwi Māori.

Based on our experience with the Whakaaro Kia Whai Hua fund, we recommend advocating for the continuation of a Wai 262 fund as a priority project for Taumata Whakapūmau. This will not only expand the influence and credibility of the Taumata Whakapūmau across the motu but also raise awareness and resources for whānau, hapu, and iwi. A Wai 262 fund has the potential to help claimant whānau and iwi build relationships based on mana and test how a Taonga Framework can work in practice.

It is recommended that the Secretariat develop a public campaign to increase the number of eligible applicants if further rounds of funding are able to be secured.

Claimant Whānau-led initiatives / Iwi Coord Funds / Tuku Projects: 
  • Claimant Whaanau-led initiatives / Iwi Coord Funds: Hui have been held to ensure Iwi coordination fund agreements are in place for the initial funding to 30 June 2023, as agreed at the last Taumata Whakapūmau Meeting. Agreements still to be finalised: Ngāti Wai, Ngāti Porou.
  • Primary expectations of Iwi Coordination agreements: Quarterly updates to Te Taumata Whakapumau,, ongoing provision of 2 x representatives, at least 2 x rohe-led hui before 30 June 2023 and contribution to national programme as appropriate. 

Rangatira Fees:

  • We are currently gathering details for rangatira fees registrations to make the process easier for our kaumaatua and Taumata Representatives to be honoured for time given to national hui, as we prepare for waananga. 


Tohu 2: Te Kōrero
Hosting conversations among Kanohi Ora, connecting legacy holders & others

Raising awareness to develop the way forward

Counterparts from across the Rangātiratanga sphere of influence, who connect with the aspirations of the legacy holders, are woven into the process through Kanohi Ora engagement; allowing the kaupapa to evolve in-step with contemporary developments and thinking.

Kanohi Ora engagement is currently planning to progress wananga as provided to the Taumata Whakapūmau Hui held on 7 March. This includes the below initiatives. 

Wai 262 wānanga July-August Dates: 
Plans to facilitate Wānanga across July-August are being put together and the Taumata hui to be held in June will allow for a testing of what will be presented and key questions. 

It will be important to have as many Taumata members, Aho Matua, Kahu Aronui and Tai 262 available to at these hui to protect the mauri of Wai 262. 

-Wai 262 Wānanga – Kohewhata 2 July

-Wai 262 Wānanga – Manurewa Marae 16 July

-Wai 262 Wānanga – Rotorua 22/23 July

-Wai 262 Wānanga – Whanganui TBC Dates 29/30 July

-Wai 262 Wānanga 12/13 August TBC Te Tau Ihu/ Te Wai Pounamu

-Wai 262 Wānanga – TBC Taranaki

-Wai 262 Wānanga – TBC Te Tai Rawhiti

- Te Aho Matua wānanga - 1 x wānanga in Te Tai Tokerau and approach to Tohunga across different rohe. 
- Tai 262 plans - Tai 262 currently have an internal focus to connect within claimant whānau
- Pakihi Māori - to ensure engagement continues between now and June, Pakihi Māori forums are being planned to gather feedback on the Taonga Framework 
- supporting 2 x claimant whanau & Iwi hui prior to 30 June
- Kahu Aronui wānanga -  these have been adjusted to interviews to work with the availability. A list who are being interviewed across May 2023 are below: 

Wai 262 Ecosystem 

  • A request was received from Dr Malcom Mullholand (Ngati Kahungunu), Chair of Patient Voice Aotearoa, to support a letter opposing the Therapeutic Products Bill. There was support to oppose the Bill. There has since been a follow up email to see whether different organisations would support a hikoi from Ngakau Civic Square to Parliament Grounds at 10am on Wednesday 7 June.  If you would like to contact the organiser direct his email is [email protected] or mobile is 022 097 5899. 
  • A panui was received on Caulerpa from Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Trust who have engaged with international experts on the matter with a webinar to be held 7:00am – 8:00am on Tuesday, June 5, 2023 and an invitation to Wai 262 Taumata Whakapumau.  Details to contact Nicola MacDonald (Acting CE, Ngati Manuhiri Settlement Trust [email protected]  P: 0508 MANUHIRI   M: 0211936037 

Tai 262:

  • Two rangatahi representatives have been provided from each Iwi to develop the Tai 262 plans moving forwards.  
  • Ngati Porou to provide 2 x rangatahi to Tai 262. 

Comms to the Motu:
  • Engagement continues to be shared across all social media platforms to ensure a growing understanding of Wai 262 and a national Maori voice 
  • The below is set to be sent to the motu subject to any comments from the Taumata:

Tohu 3: Te Tikanga
Developing a mechanism at the interface with the Crown to preserve, protect and promote taonga & mātauranga Māori

Extending our influence as kaitiaki into the Kāwanatanga sphere of influence

“Māori control of Māori things”, as the catch cry of Wai 262, requires us to reimagine public institutions and civil society for Aotearoa as sites of power where the integrity of taonga and mātauranga Māori is not compromised; we want to develop and endorse a Tikanga Framework for this purpose.

Kahu Aronui work programme update: Kahu Aronui have continued to progress the Taonga Framework and planning of bespoke engagements with Maori experts. A fuller update of the Taonga protection options being considered to date will be provided at the end of the month once Kahu Aronui have had an opportunity to provide feedback. A hui is taking place this Wednesday 17 May in Wellington to also work on emerging priorities ahead of the Taumata Whakapumau Hui in June. 

Rangahau Series to inform Taonga Framework:
Ka marama nga hiahia matua e whai nei e Kanohi Ora me ona iwi maha mo nga matauranga Maori me nga taonga tuku iho kia hua ai ko te mauri o Wai 262.
Practioners have been identified to contribute their relevant expertise across Flora & Fauna, Biologoical & Genetic Resources, Traditional Cultural Expressions and matauranga. Initial identified people are below. 

Tohu 4: Te Whakawhitiwhiti
Supporting the emergence of a national Māori voice to speak with the Crown on ngā kaupapa o Wai 262

Ngā mahi kua ea

Bringing the fruits of Kanohi Ora engagement into the relational space with the Crown, where substantive and procedural outcomes of Wai 262 will ultimately be negotiated, Rangātira ki te Kāwana, based on a tikanga framework that recognises and affirms the rights and obligations of kaitiaki at an individual, whānau and hapū/iwi basis.

Reporting to TPK : The Secretariat / KMO continue to work with TPK to meet the funding and reporting framework. Te Pae Tawhiti have agreed to consider the insights and engagement mahi already undertaken by Te Taumata Whakapumau to inform the Te Pae Tawhiti work programme. 

Weekly hui are held with Te Puni Kokiri and Te Pae Tawhiti have requested joint hui to support progressing policy recommendations by July 2023 to ensure the next Government is provided appropriate advice on what should be delivered regarding Taonga protections. 

An update on these joint hui will be circulated to ensure the Taumata Whakapūmau are able to attend where available. 

Key Dates

14 June Kahu Aronui, Iho Pumanawa, Kanohi Ora and Tai 262 Breakout sessions 10am Novotel Auckland Airport. 

15 June 2023  Taumata Whakapūmau Hui 10am-4pm Novotel Auckland Airport

-Wai 262 Wānanga – Kohewhata 2 July

-Wai 262 Wānanga – Manurewa Marae 16 July

-Wai 262 Wānanga – Rotorua 22/23 July

-Wai 262 Wānanga – Whanganui TBC Dates 29/30 July

-Wai 262 Wānanga 12/13 August TBC Te Tau Ihu/ Te Wai Pounamu

3-4 August 2023  National Iwi Chairs Forum (Waikato-Tainui)

17-21 August 2023  Koroneihana

2-3 Nov 2023  National Iwi Chairs Forum (TBC)

View Wai 262 Booklet
M: 021 033 4724 | E: [email protected] | W: www.wai262.nz

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