Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau Update

Te Taumata Whakapūmau Update

This update is for Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau representatives, their iwi, associated roopū, including Te Aho Matua, Kahu Aronui, engaged technicians, and Tai 262. It provides a brief overview of activities and informs the network about the progress.  These updates are followed by fortnightly whakawhiti kōrero.

Tiaki Taonga
Tupu kerekere
Tupu wanawana
Ka heke, ka heke

Tenei te mihi kerekere, te mihi wanawana ki a koutou aku rau amokura, koutou katoa i tae ā tinana mai, koutou i tuku aroha mai mā pukamata, te aha rānei, tēnei te whakamānawa, tēnei te whakamiha.

The Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau acknowledges the rangatira & kaitiaki who took the time to attend the series of hui in Te Tai Tokerau (1 July), Tamaki Makaurau (14 June, 16 July) and Rotorua (28 July).  The next hui will take place in Te Tau Ihu on 23 September 2023.

Below is the link where the KMO continue to hold fortnightly zoom hui on Mondays to cover Wai262 operational updates and to answer any pātai, for anyone across the Taumata available to join: 

Meeting ID: 876 5621 0149
Passcode: Wai262



Tohu 1: Te Mana
Supporting and strengthening the ability of claimant whānau & iwi as a lead voice of Wai 262.

A well-informed group of claimant whānau & iwi is vital to Kanohi Ora engagement

Claimant whānau initiated the process of Kanohi Ora engagement and remains at its spearhead through the role of Te Taumata Whakapūmau, along with support from their iwi. This aspect is essential to realising the purpose and aspirations of the original claims.

Taumata Whakapumau representation:

In recent months, Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau members have emphasised the importance of expanding the group for the next phase of the ethical process. A paper that outlines key relationships and the process for progressing toward a national voice will be presented at the next Taumata Hui.

Claimant whānau initiated the process of Kanohi Ora engagement and remains at its spearhead through the role of Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau, along with support from their iwi. This aspect is essential to realising the purpose and aspirations of the original claims.

Hui with Ministers - 5 September 2023:

Below is a summary of the discussion and agreements with Ministers Mahuta, Jackson, Prime and officials:

  • Extend the Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau program for a further 5 years, enabling the continued development of Tiaki Taonga and ensuring there is a body that is actively preserving the mauri of Wai 262.
  • Support for continuation of the Whakaaro Kia Whai Hua fund, enabling whānau, hapū, and iwi to build capacity to respond to Wai 262 from their own place.  These projects inform the local decision-making mechanisms and localised solutions that can be tested for the implementation of Tiaki Taonga / Sui Generis. 
  • To resource the development of a Te Aho Matua and Tai 262 strategy, with tohunga and taiohi, to demonstrate and provide a tauira for intergenerational transmission of matauranga Māori as an enduring, unhindered legacy.
  • To support the work on international instruments in relation to Wai 262 to be developed and advocated for by the Wai 262 Taumata Whakapumau.
  • Te Pae Tawhiti to extend support to the Wai 262 Tiaki Taonga framework and entrench the Wai 262 Programme across Ministries
Other issues of note:
  • It was noted that all ministries would consider adopting an approach that considers Wai 262 and Tiaki Taonga, and that a process of prioritisation should take place.
  • Current prioritisation efforts through both the Wai 262 Taumata and Te Pae Tawhiti have considered Bioprospecting and International Instruments (given the upcoming opportunity to consider signing up to the Nagoya Protocol) and current reforms taking place through MfE and DoC related to Taonga species.
  • DoC is a key ministry to ensure engagement particularly related to the Wildlife Act Review given the Taonga species ownership conversation.
  • Oceans Reform / Kermedecs: Minister Mahuta shared on the desire to see Wai 262 reflected in issues such as the Kermedecs and how Wai 262 could provide a pathway to resolution with issues such as this. Ngāti Kuri shared Oceans had previously been shared with the Wai 262 Taumata to be considered a priority.
  • Particular reference was given to Taonga species like Manuka and Mamaku in reference to the Bioprospecting regime required (currently in development by TPK). While the Minister was pleased to provide the opportunity for the Manuka IP to be considered, there was support to consider the approach of solutions within the structure of immediate/interim solutions and long-term structural change such as Sui Generis law.
  • The Minister acknowledged there was a need to give attention to the international instruments conversation, which would be taken offline between Ngahiwi Tomoana and Minister Mahuta.
Claimant Whānau-led initiatives / Iwi Coord Funds / Tuku Projects: 
  • Claimant Whānau-led initiatives / Iwi Coord Funds: Hui have been held to ensure Iwi coordination fund agreements are in place for the initial funding to 30 June 2023.  Five agreements are in place with drawdowns almost complete.
  • The next phase of quarterly payments will be made once refreshed agreements are signed for.  Amounts for FY23-24 were endorsed at the last Taumata Hui on 15 June.  If you have any questions on this please email Keti and Kelly - [email protected] and [email protected]
  • Primary expectations of Iwi Coordination agreements: Quarterly updates to Te Taumata Whakapumau, engagement with claimant whānau before 30 June 2024 and contribution to national programme as appropriate.
  • Four claimant whānau have progressed their Tuku projects having received scoping support from the KMO.  These projects have been funded through the Whakaaro Kia Whai Hua fund with phase 1 outcomes due on 30 June 2024. 

Rangatira Fees:

  • Rangatira fees registrations have been received and progressed.  If you want more information on these fees please contact Keti and Kelly – [email protected] and [email protected].

Emerging Priorities 

The current and emerging priorities have arisen across the most recent weeks and are below. 

Work programme Item
Wai 262
“Tiaki Taonga”
  •  Having developed key values and principles for a Tiaki Taonga framework, technicians and practitioners are being engaged to provide expert advice on the application of the framework to case studies involving taonga and including mātauranga.
  •  It is essential to enhance the collaboration between the Kahu Aronui work program and Kanohi Ora requirements, to capture and be responsive to whānau, hapū, and iwi perspectives.
Specific Case Studies
“Pātaka Taonga”
  • The manuka taonga is an example of an opportunity lost.  What are the lessons and reflections in hindsight from that example?
  • Using the kawakawa and mamaku taonga as pilot projects, how can the principles of the Tiaki Taonga framework uphold the mana of kaitiaki?
  • Applying the Tiaki Taonga principles to enhance hapū and iwi decision making authority in Kauri Ora.
Specific Kahu Aronui workstream projects
  • Creative Works - A survey specifically targeted for Māori working across the full spectrum of creative industries (artists, weavers, writers, dance,performing arts, composers, musicians, digital designers) to ascertaintheir awareness of and usage of existing IP formal and informal mechanisms as well as their direct experiences of misappropriation and/or misuse of their creative works, and their perspectives on policy and legal gaps. The survey design team consists of Aroha Mead, Ella Henry, Tamahou Temara and Lynell Tuffery Huria will include a limited number of Māori creatives, Māori arts organisations and relevant policy.
  • Nga Pūkorero for a Tiaki Taonga framework that prevents the misuse of taonga is a data/insight and analysis tool across all Kanohi Ora engagement to capture:
    • What do the kaitiaki voices say about an ideal Taonga framework; and
    • How will current practitioners of mātauranga Māori and kaitiaki of taonga tuku iho ensure those views are woven into the solutions framework.
Specific Case Studies
“Pātaka Rangahau”
  • Honouring the legacy of Moana Jackson by establishing a Māori Research Institute, Pātaka Rangahau, promoting the diverse range of kaupapa Māori research, ensuring mātauranga is protected and appropriately applied, connecting Māori researchers. 
Specific Case Studies
“Oceans and Islands”
  • Applying the Tiaki Taonga framework to the review of oceans policy, offshore island management, the “blue economy”, taonga protection. 
Progressing whānau, hapū and iwi aspirations
  • Honouring the legacy of claimant whānau by establishing and scaling Tuku projects, promoting a mosaic of Wai 262 solutions at a whānau, hapū and iwi level.
  • Promoting government investments aligned with the Tiaki Taonga framework principles, supporting iwi Māori projects that yield economic, environmental, and cultural benefits, while preventing the misuse of taonga. (as prototyped by the Whakaaro Kia Whai Hua fund)
Progressing the Māori-Crown relationship
Holding the Crown to account for its Treaty obligations
  • Understanding and evaluating the Crown’s Te Pae Tawhiti work programme and its intra-ministry role across the kāwanatanga. 
  • Monitoring and responding to government activities (eg DOC, Wildlife Act reforms, Therapeutics, manuka, bioprospecting, MFAT etc)
  • Ministerial Oversight Group (MOG) was raised as part of the work programme initially through Te Pae Tawhiti to ensure appropriate influence for an all-of-Government response.  This has not been progressed.  The Wai 262 have asked what will be established in place of this group.

Whakaaro Kia Whai Hua Fund Update

As previously reported, 18 projects have been funded across the motu.  A more detailed report will be presented to the next Taumata hui.



Tohu 2: Te Kōrero
Hosting conversations among Kanohi Ora, connecting legacy holders & others

Raising awareness to develop the way forward

Counterparts from across the Rangātiratanga sphere of influence, who connect with the aspirations of the legacy holders, are woven into the process through Kanohi Ora engagement; allowing the kaupapa to evolve in-step with contemporary developments and thinking.

Kanohi Ora engagement on Tiaki Taonga.

The Kanohi Ora engagement strategy has reached a number of milestones with hui-ā-rohe and key groups across the Wai 262 ecosystem engaged - 207 interviews, 1 x symposium, 7 x wānanga, engagement tent at major 2023 events Ratana, Waitangi, Matatini and 50,000+ monthly reach online.

Key rōpū for the next phase of engagement is currently being mapped. Wai 262 Wānanga will be supplemented by further targeted engagement aligned to the current and emerging Wai 262 Taumata Whakapumau priorities. 

Further hui dates are being shared via calendar invites as they are confirmed:
Wai 262 Wānanga – Te Tau Ihu – 23 September
Wai 262 Wānanga -  Taranaki – Mid February 2024
Wai 262 Wānanga – Rangitane – Mid February 2024
Targeted engagement schedule tbc

Content and interviews from the Tai Tokerau, Tamaki and Rotorua hui can be found here:

Kāhui Tohunga 
Two reputable tohunga roopū have entered Te Kōrero through our current Te Aho Matua members.  These roopū are seeking greater alignment with the Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau and have given their support to the process.  An approach is being developed by the KMO to ensure better connection across the Tohunga network, including considering how these roopū can feed into the Tiaki Taonga collaborative design process.

Audio and Visual product
A draft animated communication product promoting participation in Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau processes will be available for review soon. It aims to integrate historical voices into a modern context, shifting from awareness to future solutions. Though the content is public, families of those featured will be invited for early review.

Comms to the Motu:

  • Engagement continues to be shared across all social media platforms to ensure a growing understanding of Wai 262 and a Māori voice on Tiaki Taonga. 
  • The Tiaki Taonga campaign website www.tiakitaonga.com establishes the messaging agreed by the Taumata on Tiaki Taonga. (https://www.tiakitaonga.com). 
  • An update on media coverage and website/social media reach is available at each fortnightly hui.

Tohu 3: Te Tikanga
Developing a mechanism at the interface with the Crown to preserve, protect and promote taonga & mātauranga Māori

Extending our influence as kaitiaki into the Kāwanatanga sphere of influence

“Māori control of Māori things”, as the catch cry of Wai 262, requires us to reimagine public institutions and civil society for Aotearoa as sites of power where the integrity of taonga and mātauranga Māori is not compromised; we want to develop and endorse a Tikanga Framework for this purpose.

Kahu Aronui work programme update: Kahu Aronui have continued to progress the Taonga Framework and planning of bespoke engagements with Maori experts. 

Rangahau Series to inform Taonga Framework:
Ka marama nga hiahia matua e whai nei e Kanohi Ora me ona iwi maha mo nga matauranga Maori me nga taonga tuku iho kia hua ai ko te mauri o Wai 262.

Practitioners have been identified to contribute their relevant expertise across Flora & Fauna, Biologoical & Genetic Resources, Traditional Cultural Expressions and mātauranga. Initial identified people have been shared previously and a list is available by emailing [email protected] 

RFP / Commissioning Process 
The ongoing design of the Tiaki Taonga/Sui Generis framework will be enhanced by an RFP process aiming to utilise the skills of Iho Pūmanawa and technicians from the engagement process.  More information on the RFP process will be shared over the next few weeks.

Tohu 4: Te Whakawhitiwhiti
Supporting the emergence of a national Māori voice to speak with the Crown on ngā kaupapa o Wai 262

Ngā mahi kua ea

Bringing the fruits of Kanohi Ora engagement into the relational space with the Crown, where substantive and procedural outcomes of Wai 262 will ultimately be negotiated, Rangātira ki te Kāwana, based on a tikanga framework that recognises and affirms the rights and obligations of kaitiaki at an individual, whānau and hapū/iwi basis.

Te Pae Tawhiti programme update hui – 15 July 2023

A summary of discussions held on 15 July is as follows:
  • MOU – ongoing discussions on the reciprocal reporting and agreement between the Taumata and TPK
  • Paula Rawiri is the new DCE for the Te Pae Tawhiti programme of work.   Next steps for this relationship will be an induction into relationship with Wai 262 Taumata, possibly at NICF with a Wai 262 delegation
  • Briefing to incoming Minister(s) – TPK to share the current WIP so that the Taumata Whakapumau technicians can review.
  • Te Pae Tawhiti Cross-Agency DCE group – ideally the next hui will be in person, TPK to provide Taumata Whakapumau with an update on convening this group. 
  • Te Pae Tawhiti have now established a 12-15 team puni to progress the 4 priority areas of the Te Pae Tawhiti Programme programme – 1) A Sui Generis system; 2) Biodiscovery; 3) Māori engagement within international instruments; and 4) Monitoring and Evaluation Framework.
To note:  Flow between the TPK team and the Wai 262 Taumata Whakapumau Secretariat can be improved including – late devolution of announced funding to Taumata, late communications on important work being progressed e.g. Whakaaro Kia Whai Hua, recent negotiation brief to WIPO.  Lack of visibility of Crown programme.  An incident with Keti pushing TPK team members for timely information and better preparation at interface hui. 

EPA and MfE Online Hui 12 September  

This hui covered information on proposed changes related to NZ Genetically modified organisms (GMO) regulations: 

The Environmental Protection Authority and the Ministry for Environment are jointly consulting on proposed legislation changes.  From the Ministry’s preliminary analysis, it is considered that at least three aspects of policy proposals 1 and 6 may have potential implications for hapū, iwi and Māori, namely:

1.genetic modification of the cells and tissues of taonga species
2. use of genetic material derived from Māori individuals or taonga species
3. prior and informed consent for the use of cells and tissues of Māori individuals.

From those who attended this hui there is a noteworthy concern at the lack of consultation with the Taumata and wider iwi Māori, underscoring the immediate need for a position on the proposed changes.  In terms of bioprospecting, Te Puni Kōkiri (TPK) has informed Kahu Aronui about an upcoming regime geared towards protection.   Next steps will be to draft a Taumata position, with direction being sought over the next few Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau update hui.

Key Dates

Key Dates
23  Sept 2023  Wai 262 Wānanga – Te Tau Ihu
2-6 Oct 2023   MWWL Rotorua – Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau tira to attend
21 Oct 2023    Wai 262 Taumata Whakapumau presentation to the National Weavers
Tbc Oct 2023  Online Taumata Whakapūmau hui
2-3 Nov 2023  National Iwi Chairs Forum (TBC)
Jan-Feb 2024 Present strategy (political realm) at Ratana and Waitangi


View Wai 262 Booklet
M: 021 033 4724 | E: [email protected] | W: www.wai262.nz

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