Te Taumata Whakapumau o Wai 262 Update

Te Taumata Whakapūmau Update

E ngā rangatira, tēnā koutou.

Haere mai e ngā iwi ki te rapu i te oranga mo te tinana me te wairua.

Wai 262 Kanohi Ora engagement began this week at Rātana Pā to listen to whānau, hear the whakaaro and kauwhau, aspirations for the future and how Wai 262 can support the ongoing legacy of mana motuhake alongside the many mōrehu and Te Iwi Māori.

Ko te mana motuhake me te tino rangatiratanga o ngā taonga Māori me te mātauranga Māori.

Tohu 1: Te Mana
Supporting and strengthening the ability of claimant whānau & iwi as a lead voice of Wai 262.

A well-informed group of claimant whānau & iwi is vital to Kanohi Ora engagement

Claimant whānau initiated the process of Kanohi Ora engagement and remains at its spearhead through the role of Te Taumata Whakapūmau, along with support from their iwi. This aspect is essential to realising the purpose and aspirations of the original claims.

Te Taumata Whakapūmau Hui: A tentative date is set for 7 March 2023. Please indicate your preference and availability to attend either in person or via zoom. Towards the end of 2022 there was general agreement to hold this hui online given Ratana and Waitangi engagements. A host Iwi is yet to be confirmed. 

Iwi Coord Funds: Most agreements have been signed with the first tranche of funds transferred, however there are a couple outstanding who we are in touch with, to ensure all claimant whānau and Iwi are able to connect with whānau and progress any rohe-specific aspirations.  It has been great to hear the updates of the success of some of the hui being held over kai, to reconnect whānau, meeting with the Iwi Trust for support to engage with whānau, appointment of Tai 262 rangatahi and plans to 30 June 2023. 

Tai 262: We have received positive news about the different Iwi reaching out to rangatahi to participate in Wai 262 events. We look forward to supporting the two rangatahi from each Iwi to connect, ahead of the Next Gen Kaitiaki Hui taking place 27-29 March 2023 in Rotorua. 

Iwi Chairs Forum: The National Iwi Chairs Forum meet 2-3 February hosted by Whangaroa. A report was provided to Pou Tahua for the purposes of information-sharing with the recommendations below: 

5.1 That NICF note and receive the update on the Wai 262 Taumata Whakapūmau
update, timeframes and an outline for mātauranga Māori protection mechanisms
beginning with Sui Generis model law; and
5.2 That NICF engage with Te Taumata Whakapūmau on the development of a
proposed approach to monitoring mechanisms for Government departments and

Environmental Protection Authority: There has been a request to meet to discuss any alignment of Wai 262 Te Taumata Whakapūmau workstreams to the EPA plans in relation to protecting taonga.

Maori Women's Welfare League: Initial discussions have taken place to engage with various Maori movements that  have supported Wai 262 in the past and are willing to continue this support. An update will be provided to the next Taumata Whakapūmau Hui. 



Tohu 2: Te Kōrero
Hosting conversations among Kanohi Ora, connecting legacy holders & others

Raising awareness to develop the way forward

Counterparts from across the Rangātiratanga sphere of influence, who connect with the aspirations of the legacy holders, are woven into the process through Kanohi Ora engagement; allowing the kaupapa to evolve in-step with contemporary developments and thinking.

NZ Herald Opinion piece: A piece from Hema Wihongi was shared this week in the NZ Herald on the whakapapa to the claim and aspirations for the future. This can be read here.

Image above: Minister Mahuta with Hema Wihongi - Minister Mahuta visited the Wai 262 tent and was interviewed on Wai 262, speaking to the importance of Kanohi Ora engagement and listening to the voices of whānau. She acknowledged that this is possible because of the original claimants and acknowledged the current work being done on behalf of Te Taumata Whakapūmau. 

2023 Events and Kanohi Ora Plans: Further engagements are being arranged for Kanohi ora engagement. The KMO are also following up on waka-wide engagements and Iwi engagements to take place between March-May 2023.  


Expert Witness Koorero: The stories of whānau who whakapapa to the claim continue to be shared to the Wai 262 Facebook page and Wai 262 website. Recent interviews include Haami Piripi, Hema Wihongi and Ngahiwi Tomoana. 

Links to follow: https://www.facebook.com/wai262


Tohu 3: Te Tikanga
Developing a mechanism at the interface with the Crown to preserve, protect and promote taonga & mātauranga Māori

Extending our influence as kaitiaki into the Kāwanatanga sphere of influence

“Māori control of Māori things”, as the catch cry of Wai 262, requires us to reimagine public institutions and civil society for Aotearoa as sites of power where the integrity of taonga and mātauranga Māori is not compromised; we want to develop and endorse a Tikanga Framework for this purpose.

Kahu Aronui: Kahu Aronui have continued to progress workstreams on Sui Generis and Research including the gathering of statements from transcripts, closing submissions, analysis of expert witness korero, along with a survey of Māori Creatives to support the development and design of a Sui Generis framework.

The Kahu Aronui are continuing to work on the document to provide to Government on the Sui Generis Framework and will have a report back at the next Taumata Whakapūmau Hui. 

Tohu 4: Te Whakawhitiwhiti
Supporting the emergence of a national Māori voice to speak with the Crown on ngā kaupapa o Wai 262

Ngā mahi kua ea

Bringing the fruits of Kanohi Ora engagement into the relational space with the Crown, where substantive and procedural outcomes of Wai 262 will ultimately be negotiated, Rangātira ki te Kāwana, based on a tikanga framework that recognises and affirms the rights and obligations of kaitiaki at an individual, whānau and hapū/iwi basis.

Kanohi Ora engagement & a national Māori voice: As noted above, Wai 262 Kanohi Ora engagement began at Rātana Pā this week and will continue to support the growth of a national Maori voice to support ngā kaupapa o Wai 262. 

Key themes of koorero are being identified across the engagements, along with analysis of whakaaro provided on case studies of the Sui Generis Framework. This will help inform the work of Kahu Aronui as well as building the support for the workstreams to be progressed with the Crown. 

Please urgently contact Tasha Hohaia on 021 033 4724 if claimant whanau are keen to attend Matatini 22-26 February to support the Wai 262 stand. 

Wai 262 Ecosystem

Key People and Roopuu identified:
Key groups and people have been identified to ensure engagement and expertise to support the Kahu Aronui workstreams including Sui Generis. Kahu Aronui will workshop priority areas against their workplan. There is an intention to host these hui wherever possible online following Kahu Aronui fortnightly meetings, with invitations to Te Taumata Whakapūmau and Te Aho Matua to attend. (List to be presented in slides)

Nga Toki Whakarururanga: There has been a request to follow up on whether there is a person who would participate from Te Taumata Whakapumau. 

SING 9 February:  A presentation will be provided for this kaupapa on 9 February 2pm hosted at the University of Waikato and online. If you would like to support this please email [email protected] or text / call Tasha on 021 033 4724. 

Key Dates

23-25 Jan 2023  Ratana

2 Feb 2023  Cabinet Paper Submitted

2-3 Feb 2023  National Iwi Chairs Forum (Whaingaroa)

4-6 Feb 2023  Wai 262 presence at Waitangi

22-26 Feb 2023  Wai 262 stall at Te Matatini

7-March 2023   Te Taumata Whakapūmau Hui (Online / Host TBC)

27-29 March 2023 NextGen Kaitiaki Hui for Tai 262 engagement (Rotorua)

March-May 2023  Waka-wide engagements

4-5 May 2023  National Iwi Chairs Forum (Te Arawa)

June 2023  Taumata Whakapūmau Hui  

3-4 August 2023  National Iwi Chairs Forum (Waikato-Tainui)

17-21 August 2023  Koroneihana

2-3 Nov 2023  National Iwi Chairs Forum (TBC)

View Wai 262 Booklet
M: 021 033 4724 | E: [email protected] | W: www.wai262.nz

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