Te Taumata Whakapumau o Wai 262 Update

Te Taumata Whakapūmau Update

E ngā rangatira, tēnā koutou.

Ngā mihi o te wā. Please see below an update for 12 December 2022 on the various workstreams of mahi of Te Taumata Whakapumau along with upcoming events. 

Tohu 1: Te Mana
Supporting and strengthening the ability of claimant whānau & iwi as a lead voice of Wai 262.

A well-informed group of claimant whānau & iwi is vital to Kanohi Ora engagement

Claimant whānau initiated the process of Kanohi Ora engagement and remains at its spearhead through the role of Te Taumata Whakapūmau, along with support from their iwi. This aspect is essential to realising the purpose and aspirations of the original claims.

Iwi Coord Funds: Hui have been held over the last fortnight with claimant whānau and Iwi to finalise Claimant Whānau Capacity / Iwi Coord agreements.
Expectations have been altered to

Te Taumata Whakapūmau has expectations that the claimant representatives will apply the funding towards:

• Ongoing provision of two representatives to Te Taumata Whakapūmau, including a Pou Champion

• At least two Rohe-led hui before 30 June 2023 (regional and expert wananga)

• Coordination of claimant representatives for rohe-based Wai 262 Kaupapa that are specific to [each Iwi] and respective claimant whānau.

Most agreements are in a state for signing with arrangements to have funding with Claimant Iwi and whanau this week.


Tohu 2: Te Kōrero
Hosting conversations among Kanohi Ora, connecting legacy holders & others

Raising awareness to develop the way forward

Counterparts from across the Rangātiratanga sphere of influence, who connect with the aspirations of the legacy holders, are woven into the process through Kanohi Ora engagement; allowing the kaupapa to evolve in-step with contemporary developments and thinking.

Expert Witness Koorero: The enduring legacy and stories of whānau who whakapapa to the claim continue with the following stories: Ngahiwi Tomoana, Ngatai Huata, Karl Wixon, Jacob Scott, Sheridan Waitai, Hine Waitai, Hori Parata, Hema Wihongi, Ngāti Koata whānau.

Links to follow: https://www.facebook.com/wai262 https://www.wai262.nz/wai-262-expert-witnesses

Comms Plan: A comms plan will be presented and circulated for the Taumata mid-January.  This will include useful content for every Iwi to use in any comms with whānau. 

2023 Events and Kanohi Ora Plans: Key dates were presented to the recent Taumata Whakapumau Hui.  It is important to understand who would like to attend the upcoming events, including Ratana and Waitangi. Kanohi Ora engagements are set to begin with Ratana 23-25 Jan 2023. 

Beautiful content is being prepared for Kanohi Ora engagements including the resources below: 

•Wai 262 branded 3x3 EZI pop up tent 
•Banners and signage
•Kaimahi merchandise (Wai 262 t-shirts, jackets) 
•Animation of the Wai 262 whakapapa in video format 
•3x digital screens 
•1x for the whakapapa of Wai 262 / Expert Witness kōrero 
•1x for all current projects relevant to Wai 262 and Wai 262 adjacent (e.g. Te Mana o Rangitāhua) 
•1x for whānau, hapū and iwi to see themselves in the kaupapa (opportunities that come with Wai 262) 
•Ipad/video camera set up for live video submissions for whānau, hapū and iwi to share kōrero on how the kōrero in the tent or Wai 262 has impacted or educated them on their journey 
•1x rangatahi Wai 262 roamer to go and walk around the kaupapa and send people to the Wai 262 tent 
•Wai 262 brochures 
•Carved pieces of the current taonga under protection that can be taken to each kaupapa 
•Pins or brooches of the taonga (mainly for kaumātua) 
•Wai 262 photo booth - two images can be printed where the whānau can write on the back what their aspirations are for Wai 262 and take it to a board in the tent (collection of kōrero physically) 
•Ipad with survey - he aha tō take similar to previous website tono

Future State 
VR experience of taonga in their environment 

•Interactive AR

Tohu 3: Te Tikanga
Developing a mechanism at the interface with the Crown to preserve, protect and promote taonga & mātauranga Māori

Extending our influence as kaitiaki into the Kāwanatanga sphere of influence

“Māori control of Māori things”, as the catch cry of Wai 262, requires us to reimagine public institutions and civil society for Aotearoa as sites of power where the integrity of taonga and mātauranga Māori is not compromised; we want to develop and endorse a Tikanga Framework for this purpose.


TPK: The Secretariat / KMO have been working with TPK on the funding and reporting framework to be progressed. The letter approved by the Taumata was sent to TPK seeking regular meetings to discuss moving forward and whether the signing anticipated will happen at Waitangi. TPK have not provided a response to this yet.


DoC-related: The agreed letter was sent to the Minister of Conservation on 18 November with the intention to establish an enduring relationship to progress:

- A monitoring and audit function by hapū and Iwi regarding the Māori-Crown relationship

- A work programme that would see Wai 262 entrenched across DoC operations over the next 5-10 years; and

- A distinct relationship with Te Taumata Whakapūmau regarding legislative Reforms and long-term strategies, with particular reference to matters related to Wai 262 including the Wildlife Act Review process.

The agreed relationship with Pou Taiao and the National Iwi Chairs Forum given the alignment of priorities and enduring Māori-Crown relationship matters raised through Wai 262.

A Kahu Aronui member who is also involved with DoC Wildlife Act Review has extended an invitation to Te Taumata Whakapūmau to be involved in the related advisory group.

Tohu 4: Te Whakawhitiwhiti
Supporting the emergence of a national Māori voice to speak with the Crown on ngā kaupapa o Wai 262

Ngā mahi kua ea

Bringing the fruits of Kanohi Ora engagement into the relational space with the Crown, where substantive and procedural outcomes of Wai 262 will ultimately be negotiated, Rangātira ki te Kāwana, based on a tikanga framework that recognises and affirms the rights and obligations of kaitiaki at an individual, whānau and hapū/iwi basis.

Kahu Aronui have continued the Sui Generis work in line with the direction approved at the last Te Taumata Whakapūmau Hui held in November.


The Kahu Aronui discussed at their recent meeting on 6 December that a separate formal document as opposed to a joint document would be better suited to ensure the Taumata Whakapūmau position is best protected, and will further discuss this with officials this Thursday 15 December.

Wai 262 Ecosystem

Key People and Roopuu identified:
Key groups and people have been identified to ensure engagement and expertise to support the Kahu Aronui workstreams including Sui Generis. Kahu Aronui will workshop priority areas against their workplan. There is an intention to host these hui wherever possible online following Kahu Aronui fortnightly meetings, with invitations to Te Taumata Whakapūmau and Te Aho Matua to attend. (List to be presented in slides)

Ngā Toki Whakarururanga
The letter of support has been sent in response to the whakaaro shared by the Taumata to date.

Recommendations requested support for:

• establishment of Ngā Toki Whakarururanga consistent with the Mediation Agreement in the Wai 2522 (TPPA) claim

• creation of Ngā Kaihautū, drawn from sectors affected by free trade agreements, to guide the new entity

• Moana Maniapoto and Pita Tipene to continue as co-convenors for the next 12 months

 Ngā Toki Whakarururanga have sought follow up on  Kaihautu being put forward to participate on behalf of Te Taumata Whakapumau.


Key Dates

14 Dec 2022  Tai 262 online gathering 3pm

January 2023  Te Aho Matua and Kahu Aronui Waananga

23-25 Jan 2023  Ratana

2 Feb 2023  Cabinet Paper Submitted

2-3 Feb 2023  National Iwi Chairs Forum (Whaingaroa)

4-6 Feb 2023  Wai 262 presence at Waitangi

22-26 Feb 2023  Wai 262 stall at Te Matatini

8-11 March 2023 NextGen Kaitiaki Hui for Tai 262 engagement (Rotorua)

Mid-Feb 2023   Te Taumata Whakapūmau Hui (Host TBC)

March-May 2023  Waka-wide engagements

4-5 May 2023  National Iwi Chairs Forum (Te Arawa)

June 2023  Taumata Whakapūmau Hui  

3-4 August 2023  National Iwi Chairs Forum (Waikato-Tainui)

17-21 August 2023  Koroneihana

2-3 Nov 2023  National Iwi Chairs Forum (TBC)

View Wai 262 Booklet
M: 021 033 4724 | E: [email protected] | W: www.wai262.nz

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